Thursday, May 21, 2009

Why You Should Walk To Lose Weight Instead Of Running To Lose Weight

Stop running to lose weight and begin walking; this is what I have told most of my friends who dread getting up in the mornings to begin their exercise routine. I have personally discovered that I enjoy walking more and it feels better on my joints and muscles.

Since I have started walking I have to admit that I do not dread getting up in the mornings. You may be thinking that you want to begin running to lose weight in hopes of being able to shed a lot of pounds quickly. The truth is that most people end up quitting all together; especially if they hate the exercise routine that they are doing.

Slow it down there is no fast way to getting rid of those excess pounds. As long as you keep doing what you are doing; then you will begin to notice that the walking to lose weight will help you get rid of those pounds as well.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Things You Should Know About Running To Lose Weight

Sprint distance racing at Istanbul 5-day event.

Okay more and more people are considering running to lose weight; heck I was one of those people who would get up early every morning to try to get a mile or two run in before I started my day. That was until I started noticing that my joints were more painful and I was starting to feel miserable.

Now most people are starting to run to lose weight; because they feel that weight will come off quicker. I am here to tell you that is not true. While you do notice that your heart rate does pump quicker; the truth is that I was miserable doing it for several months. I finally quit running to lose weight and have started walking to lose weight.

Of course I enjoy that more; I also integrate other forms of exercise that I absolutely love. So before you open that door and begin sprinting just in hopes of trying to shed some pounds; you may want to consider slowing it down some to give your joints a break.

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Before You Begin Running To Lose Weight

Chances are if you have stumbled upon this site; then you are considering running to lose weight. It is no mystery that several people in our society tend to struggle with obesity or extra pounds on their body.

You are not the only one who has come to the internet for information on how to lose weight quickly. Well if you are looking for a magic pill that will help you shed extra pounds overnight; then I highly recommend that you hit the back button.

There is no cure for getting rid of extra pounds without doing some form of exercise. But before you pull out your running shoes and begin running to lose weight; you may want to read this entire site to reconsider your options.

You may discover that there is a much better way to get rid of those excess pounds without pounding your knees and joints on the hard surfaces.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Running To Lose Weight Don't Do It

Marine of the United States Marine Corps runs ...

Untie those running shoes and get back into bed. Okay maybe not get back into bed; after all you do want to lose some weight. However if you want to look and feel great without having to worry about sprains, aches and pains then I highly recommend that you do not begin running to lose weight.

Jogging is not for everyone and if you are considering doing it just to help you lose some excess fat; then you are doing it for the wrong reason. Running takes a special type of person who enjoys the physical activity. If you do not have a runner's heart and dedication; chances are you will stop doing it before you begin to notice the benefits of it.

There are other ways to begin getting into shape and it really does not matter what type of exercise you do. As long as you quit sitting in front of the television and begin doing more physical activity; then you will eventually notice a difference in the way that you look and feel.